Vol. 8 No. 02 (2018): 2018 - 02

Reserva Biológica de Soretama - ES

The Soretama Biological Reserve is located 130 kilometers from Vitória and 45 kilometers from Linhares-ES. It has fauna with many endemic species and Atlantic forest vegetation with trees over 30 meters high. A biological heritage of estimated value.
Decree No. 87,588, of September 20, 1982, granted the unit the Biological Reserve status. Until then, the area was known as the Sooretama Wild Animal Breeding and Refuge Park. Space currently occupied by the reserve consists of two regions, one belonging to the union (Parque de Refugio Sooretama with 12,250 hectares) and the other belonging to the State of Espirito Santo (Barra Seca State Park with 10,000 hectares), which merged to create the reservation. Location: Rod. Governador Mários Covas, BR 101 Norte, KM 116. CEP 29.927-000 - Caixa Postal 108 Juncado - Sooretama-ES. Phone: +55 (27) 9991-2366. E-mail: rebiosooretama@hotmail.com / visite.rebio@gmail.com
Source: https://www.icmbio.gov.br/rebiosooretama/

Published: 31-08-2018

