Current Issue
The Ifes Science Magazine (RIC), since 2022, has been managed by the editor-in-chief, Prof. Dr. Wanderson Romão. As the main change in the Magazine for the year 2023, the Editor-in-Chief highlights the division of its major areas from four to six. They are: Engineering, Humanities and Applied Social Sciences; Linguistic Sciences, Letters and Arts; Agricultural Sciences and Environment; Biological Sciences and Health; and Exact and Earth Sciences. Furthermore, in most cases, the number of editor-in-chief for each area is now made up of two professionals, whereas the 2023 editorial team is made up of ten professionals. RIC also began accepting articles that can now be classified as review articles, technical notes and original articles. The submission guidelines for these articles can be found in the instructions for authors on the journal's website. The evolution of publications over the years shows that in 2023, 61 articles were published, almost half of which (29 articles) were produced by authors external to Ifes. Another relevant information is the excellent participation of Ifes researchers from the interior region, corresponding to almost 30% of the magazine's entire annual publication. RIC has sought to maintain a flow of publications of articles by researchers who belong to IFES and researchers who do not, so that this ratio is around 50%. Therefore, this number has been reached and maintained between 2022 and 2023.
Ciências Exatas e da Terra
Ciências Agrárias e Meio Ambiente
Revista Ifes Ciência - ISSN 2359-4799
A Revista Eletrônica Ifes Ciência é uma revista científica de caráter multidisciplinar, com publicação de forma continuada a partir de 2021, vinculada à Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo – Ifes. Seu foco principal é colaborar na difusão dos conhecimentos relacionados à pesquisa aplicada, à produção cultural, ao empreendedorismo, ao cooperativismo e ao desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico. Seu propósito é abranger as várias áreas de atuação de pesquisadores do Ifes e de outras instituições, alinhadas às diretrizes da pesquisa no Brasil e no mundo. Sua edição é de fluxo continuo, com submissão gratuita e com rápido trãmite editorial.
Os grupos de áreas contemplados pela revista são: Ciências Agrárias eMeio Ambiente; Ciências Biológicas e Saúde; Ciências Exatas e da Terra; Ciências Humanas; Ciências Sociais Aplicadas; Linguística; Letras; Artes e Engenharias.