Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): Edição Especial: Ciências Forenses

					View Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): Edição Especial: Ciências Forenses

Forensic Science is understood as the set of all scientific knowledge and techniques that are used to solve not only crimes, but also various legal matters (civil, criminal or administrative). It is considered an interdisciplinary area as it involves chemistry, physics, biology, pharmacy, medicine, among other CNPq sub-areas. Its main objective is to support investigations relating to civil and criminal justice. Forensic Science has a close connection with Criminalistics, since the distinction between both areas is not clear, and confusion between the two is common, including the use of the term "forensic criminalistics". In this context, this special edition of Forensic Sciences shows several articles from the most diverse areas of Forensic Sciences, from food adulteration to the analysis of drugs of abuse, forensic pedology, skull analysis, soils, plants, and traces at the crime scene , among others. I hope you enjoy reading.

prof. Dr. Wanderson Romão

Ifes Research Director and Editor of the special edition

Published: 01-10-2023


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